Our BIG News!!

13th May 2016

Our BIG news!!image2

Guess what……………After all these weeks of teasing, we are finally ready to announce the BIG NEWS!!

I’m guessing if you are reading this you are already on our brand spanking new website created by the fabulous John Pottinger from JLP internet and as you will see we are also sporting a gorgeous new name, woohooo!! And a logo which Jonny Polson from Art Machine helped me create.

So, when I woke this morning (well actually to say ‘woke’ is probably a slight bend on the truth as I don’t think I was ever really asleep) I felt a mixture of emotions.  The excitement of a new chapter, a new era, and a new twist in this crazy journey called life.

Fear – will it all go ok? Will everyone like it? Can I do this on my own?

Back to excitement, butterflies flying around my tummy.  Back to fear – oh man it’s today – I’m not ready!!  Back to excitement – time to get the bubbly out the fridge!  Ok, I know It’s only 8 in the morning but I do love my bubbles, oh ok…… I will try to hold off until at least lunchtime! Ha ha ha only kidding, classes to do, website to finish (BY TONIGHT AAAHHH!! – Fear again!), leaflets to distribute, banners to collect!

And then, there it is, a little touch of sadness creeping in……….realisation that today will be the last time I will pull on my Bambino&beyond t-shirt, the last time I will search frantically for my Bambino&beyond hoodie that my lovely daughter keeps stealing, the last time I will set up the Bambino&beyond banner outside class today and the last time I will open the door as just plain old Jenny and not Madam Jenny ha ha only joking again.  A lovely customer suggested yesterday that our news was that I was going to see the Queen and although that would be super exciting and an honour I’m happy with my lovely new rebrand instead.

So, what does this mean for all you lovely peeps out there?  Other than having to look at my ecstatic face, our lovely new logo and super brilliant new booking system………..em not much really.  Classes will don our new snazzy names: Bambeenies (formerly Bambinos), Teenie Beenies (formerly Binos) and Big Beenies (formerly Bouncing Binos), but they will still be full of the same exciting activities, songs, messy play and of course fandabbydosey instructors!  What more could you ask for?  We will still strive to offer the best service we can and SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE and allow space for you yummy mummies (and daddies) and your little ones to FLOURISH as you rock and roll through this journey called parenthood!!

So, it must be time for bubbly now……..No?  What? Only 1.30pm!?  Boooooo!!!   Well actually technically by the time you all read this it’s going to be this evening, so raise your glass, cup and non-spill tumbler and toast to the future.  To us big ones, to our little ones, tucked up in bed (hopefully) and all the fun that life throws at us.

Welcome to Bambeenies!


Our Classes

We provide fun and interactive classes for children aged 0 - 10 years.


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